Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Solstice! (a bit late, I know...)

Here is wishing anyone and everyone a glorious decade. I have to admit, the last ten years have been arguably some of the roughest ones I've spent. Perhaps it is the curse of aging that when one looks back on one's life and journey, it is somewhat inevitable that the pages seem a bit less full of the writing one might want to spend time reading.
This decade saw so much change for me....leaving California, living up in Oregon, meeting new and wonderful people, illness the likes of which I never hope to experience again, found love, lost love, death of friends and loved ones, healing, breaking, moving, digging, discovering, cooking, creating, learning, renewing...growing. It's been a strange trip, for sure.
At midnight this past December 31st, my oldest friend and I called each other at the stroke of 12....she's recently lost both of her parents to horrifying ongoing illness, and I've been dealing with my own nightmares the last few years of a similar ilk. In any event; we popped a cork on a good bottle of champagne, seven hundred miles apart, and toasted to what we both hope will be a far better of hope for us all, one of renewal, and one of lasting happiness where missed chances for heart connection and laughter are a thing of the past.

So blessings on you all who might follow either publicly or privately these little posts on garden, kitchen, and gentle witchery. May your years be as you wish them to be, both the soon to be, and the yet to be. Life is too short to miss any second of it.